Friday, August 10, 2007

We're Home!

We were discharged from the hospital yesterday. Dexter wore his first little outfit and had his first car ride which he slept right through. Yeah, I know, the hospital is like 2 blocks away, but it's the incredible amount of luggage and stuff that makes hoofing it less of an option. Besides, I just pushed out a 19 inch long 7lb bowling ball. It's not like I'd want to walk anymore than I have to. I came out relatively unscathed though, without stitches and just a couple tiny tears, so I'm not in much pain. I lost around 10lbs already and I have ankles again! I'm looking forward to wearing my wedding ring again.

Dexter is doing beautifully. He lost 9% of his birth weight by day 2 at 6lbs 11 oz which was a little worrisome, but at our home visit today he's already started gaining. He is now at 6 lbs 13 oz and has only lost 7%. All the possible complications from the gestational diabetes never manifested themselves. His blood sugars were great and he hasn't developed jaundice. He's very healthy and incredibly strong. He lifts his head up way more than I anticipated and I have to fight his little bicycling legs for diaper changes. He finds his thumb now and then and sucks it like a built-in pacifier. He also had a brief reunion with his foot which was kinda funny to watch him grab for after seeing him do that so many times on the ultrasounds.

He's feeding regularly now about every 2 hours. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, so it's been quite the learning experience. It doesn't matter how much you read or take classes. It is just something you have to learn by trial and error. Dexter hasn't had any problems latching on, but he is such a vampire! I've had some help dealing with his vigorous feeding style. That's how he gained 2 ounces in a day.

It has been incredibly helpful to have a doula. I honestly can't imagine doing this without her. Mr. Cobra and I are able to get some sleep and just day to day things like getting groceries, laundry and cleaning has been easier or even taken care of by her. She's still managing to do a little freelance graphic design work done at the same time. She's absolutely amazing.

Since I'm gushing, I have to say that Mr. Cobra is such a totally great dad. I've never seen him so happy. He's so helpful and so into being a father. This will be so fun to watch their relationship blossom over time.