Monday, August 6, 2007

Labor Update!

We have the best room in the hospital. I think they must've felt guilty moving the induction. We have a sweeping view of San Francisco from the 15th floor. We can see from the Pacific to the Bay including Golden Gate Bridge and downtown. It's just such a beautiful place to give birth.

So I'm in early labor finally! I finally dilated enough to get a Foley catheter which is a small balloon full of saline to help manually open the cervix. I've already had 3 doses of "Miso" to just pry it open that much. My body just doesn't want to let go of the little wiggle worm. I've got my IV of Pitocin and some contractions going. The first hour was hard to get used to the pain because there was hardly a break in between them. Right now, the contractions are spaced a little farther out, so they are easier to breathe through. I will gradually get more and more Pitocin until I'm in active labor which is being dilated at least 4 cm. Still a very long way to go. Maybe we'll see our son sometime tomorrow…