Almost 2 months since my last post and that's exactly how fast time flies these days. Brixton is growing like a weed; smiling, laughing, grabbing, sitting with support, rolling halfway over both ways, and thankfully still sleeping through the night. She's teething now, so she's chews on her little hands and sucks on her fingers almost constantly. Today, she got her first round of vaccinations which was heartbreaking. She is more sensitive than Dexter. She cried when the doctors looked her over. It started when they looked in her ears and turned into a full blown screaming fit when they pushed on her abdomen. She was not a happy camper. When she got her 3 shots, she was inconsolable for about 10 minutes. She was so upset, she wouldn't even take her pacifier. I didn't cry when Dexter got his first shots, but something about how upset she was, made me upset too.
She's an awesome baby! She's so patient and happy. She's very strong like her brother, but she's seems to be more mellow. That could definitely change. She's starting to test her volume levels and trying out different sounds. She is really good with grabbing and holding already. She was sick with a cold with almost 2 months of coughing. We joke that it gave her abs of steel because she' been rolling over and has been inchworming to get things while she's on her belly. She pushes off with her feet and reaches with her arms to get to something she wants. It takes a long time, but she'll move 6-10 inches. She's one determined little grrl!
Dexter has been manic. He's either a complete angel or the worst little terrorist. His recent antics have been attempts at seeing how far he can push his mother before she loses her sh*t on an epic level. The first attempt totally worked. He emptied an entire travel sized bottle of baby powder by pouring little piles of it everywhere. I was diapering and putting his sister's pajamas on her after I'd given her a bath. He'd helped me give her a bath, and then I asked him to go get the diaper cream I'd forgotten. He grabbed it for me and ran back to his room. I could hear him laughing, so I knew he was up to no good. Right as I was finishing up, he came into the kitchen and put a nice little pile of powder on the floor by my feet. It was all over the house from his room, our bedroom, down the hallway, to the kitchen and the living room. There was only one room that didn't get a light dusting of baby butt aromatherapy. It took me 30 minutes to vacuum it up. I was still finding more piles the next day. It was the longest time out he's ever had because he couldn't get out of his green chair until I was done cleaning up his mess. My head nearly exploded I was so angry at what he'd done in less than 5 minutes. It was funny, but I was by myself so Brixton didn't get any attention thanks to her mischievous brother.
The next attempt at driving me crazy happened the night I was going to go see Mike play in King Loses Crown. The game plan was to get him in bed about 15 minutes earlier than usual, so I'd have 15 minutes to finish getting ready before the babysitter showed up. He would be asleep by then and I wouldn' thave to worry about him getting out of bed to discover I wasn' t there. Well, I was letting him play by himself in his room. He'd said he wanted to go color, so I told him to color in his room, so he wouldn't get crayon on the coffee table. Yeah, you can see where this is going… so he comes into the living room about 10 minutes later and starts drawing on the coffee table with a black crayon. I, of course, tell him to stop and to go back into his room if he wants to color. I go to get a diaper wipe and I see he'd colored all the way down the hallway. I look in his room to see black crayon on every surface except the walls. He even colored on the floor and his bed sheets. He then proceeds to show me the other places he'd colored in our bedroom - the bed, the doors, both nightstands, the windowsill, the window and the dresser. At this point, I was so irate that I just grabbed my iPone and proceeded to have him show me everything he'd colored, discovering way more in other rooms, and recording it to show to his dad (and blackmail him when he's 16). When asked why he did it, he said he wanted to be an artist on the walls. I told him that was called vandalism. This time Brixton was napping, so I was much calmer. It was so ridiculous that I didn't get angry. Plus, he was perfectly capable of cleaning it up. He cleaned it all up by himself with diaper wipes. I followed behind him giving him new ones when they were so covered with black crayon that they were just making the wall gray. This is him earning the nickname the Dexorcist.
He's also a complete angel. He hugs his sister and tells her he loves her. He helps me out by being a go-fer when I forget to grab things and I'm dealing with Brixton. We've been to 2 movies and he's been so well behaved that we can consider going to movies on a regular basis. He flew to Kansas and back and didn't have any tantrums while flying. (He did throw up, but motion sickness doesn' t count.) He helps cook by pouring measured ingredients into bowls and loves to push the buttons on the microwave. He's just a very sweet boy, for the most part, but he just knows how to get his mom's head to explode and loves to get that reaction. Life sure isn't boring, that's for sure.