Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Fur-child

I go on on incessantly about our pending human baby, so I thought I should post something about our 7.5 year old chihuahua, Squee. We bought Squee at a pet store in May 2000. He was unhealthy and I never believed that horrible puppy mills were really THAT rampant, but I tracked down the breeder he come from in Oklahoma and order copies of all the USDA inspections for the breeder. Sure enough, multiple infractions about dirty housing, no food or water available. It sounded awful. The worst part was that there was a report of 2 chihuahua puppies being housed outside in the middle of winter with nothing to lay on but the bare wire bottom of the cage right just a couple weeks after Squee was born. It could've been him, but will never know for sure. The breeder went from 10 dogs to over 70 in just 2 years. I will never, ever buy another dog from a pet store.

That being said, Squee is awesome. He is so smart and charismatic. People we haven't seen for a while often ask how Squee is doing before delving into a conversation. People love Squee and Squee loves people (well most people). He always brings visitors his toys to throw and throw and throw and throw. Even at the office, our clients love Squee. He has a big attitude for a 6lb furball. He steals the big dog bed meant for his office-mate, a 100lb chocolate lab even though he takes up 10% of it AND has his very own dog bed. Squee likes to sleep on the biggest pile of pillows and blankets available. The bigger the better, so we sometimes see him climb up on top of 2 blankets and 2 pillows that are easily piled 3 feet tall on top of the couch and he'll make a little nest there. He also is in touch with his feminine side because he LOVES to ride around in his dog purse. All I have to do is put it on the floor and he jumps right in.

So he's our little spoiled dog right now and he's being a great little protector of the pregnant lady. I've been feeling a little guilty because when the baby comes he's not going to get as much attention. He also loves to get new toys, so when I bring home bags of baby stuff, I feel guilty watching him look in the bags trying to find something for him. I decided that I would buy him something fancy, so I special ordered a leopard skin microvelvet dog bed. He loves it. He still prefers our laps, but when he does sleep in it, he's so comfy that nothing wakes him up - not even food. He uses it more than any other dog bed he's ever had. So here's to the Squee…