Monday, October 13, 2014

Parent Teacher Conference

Another Awesome School update (for those who are interested): We had our first parent teacher conference today. Overall, Dexter gave the school a 100 on a scale of 1-10. He feels like he is paid attention to and is challenged. That is the most important measure! He is incredibly happy there.

His tests indicate he's working 2 grade levels ahead across the board. This school has the flexibility to give him what he needs, so he doesn't feel like it "wastes his life" like last year. They will be trying some subject acceleration with the 4th/5th grade class. This school is really working for our little outlier. Self-regulation and social emotional seems to be things that are more challenging for him.

The conference itself was captured on a Google Doc that they wrote notes on and emailed to us afterward. It shows his strengths, weakness and goals. That is so pleasant to see less paper and tech savvy teachers.

For being a start-up, I love I have an app for his school schedule. I can schedule his after school care and can message his teachers. The teachers post pics regularly and we get weekly email updates. Super awesome!

Not so awesome (yet) is seeing his playlist assignments. That tool needs work, but it's neat to see the instructions and how Dexter completes the assignment. He takes a webcam pic in his Chromebook to show his work – so futuristic.