Sunday, July 20, 2014

She is Small & Fierce

My daughter is sensitive. She will cry at the drop of the hat if she is embarrassed or gets in trouble. This can be as simple as telling her that her pasta is fettuccine and not spaghetti or that she shouldn't make so much noise jumping.

She is emotionally sensitive, but she didn't cry or even whimper when she got her ears pierced last weekend. She's tough as nails when it comes to real physical pain. That makes me chuckle a little because she shows me every miniscule boo-boo and always wants a bandaid. The irony of it all makes me laugh because she is so concerned about tiny pinpricks and papercuts, yet getting her blood drawn or ears pierced is not a big deal.

She told me she hated her laugh the other day. She's only 4 and she is already critiquing herself. I think she is just going through a rough time. Her 3 best friends from preschool are all moving away, including her first 2 (yes, two!) boyfriends within the same month. She is getting a small taste of what it will be like this time next year when she will be ripped away from all of her friends to go to kindergarten. It wasn't so bad for Dexter because he was only there for a year, but Brixton has been there since she was 2. It will be much rougher for her. She loves her school and another parent actually called her the "mayor" of the preschool because she greets everyone who comes through the door.

She is so bubbly and sweet. She loves to laugh and dance around. She is my helper and often will help without asking. She's very mature. She also likes to be alone. She will watch movies and read books for hours and never want any attention. It's a little bizarre, but that's the way she is. She will make up for it later wanting to be babied by being carried or sitting on my lap.

She's really girly too. She loves to have her fingernails painted, play dress up, and everything has to be pink, purple and/or princess. She has a natural talent for small talk. I have no idea where she got it, but she will notice a new pair of shoes and start a conversation that will last several minutes. She told me her dream car would be a black Mini Cooper with white stripes and pink & purple lights. I guess I better start saving!

What makes her fierce? Her angry face. She has the meanest angry face. You know if she's mad at you and it makes me even a little afraid of her. Do not get on her bad side because she can wail like a banshee and isn't above scratching and pulling hair. Her temper is quick and sharp. She's pretty much a mini-me and that is so awesome!