It was all for fun… and here we are a week later, just under 200,000 people have watched the video Mike made. The response has been overwhelming and incredible. Mike's name is now synonymous with "rad dad". Dex is one of the coolest 3 year olds on the internet at the moment because he wanted to be a cool, iconic DJ who he likes his music and had just saw in concert.
Mini-Deadmau5 from Michael Cobra on Vimeo.
Dexter gets some credit too. He has always been into music. He has super hip taste and knows Miike Snow, LCD Soundsystem, The Ramones, Iggy Pop, MGMT, Peter Bjorn and John to just to name a few of his recent faves. What little boy wouldn't want to be Deadmau5 for Halloween? Especially after just seeing him in concert? Okay, so we're oddball parents that take a 3yo to concerts. We encourage him to listen to and play music on a regular basis. He LOVES to dance and he dances to just about any genre of music. We often listen to music instead of watching TV, so I'm sure that helps a little. I don't know how we created such a cool little kid.
He was so happy to be Deadmau5 and was even a little insulted that hardly anyone knew who he was. While we were trick-or-treating, only one couple knew. After 8pm, while we were headed home, A LOT more people knew who he was and were shouting out of their car windows as they drove by or excitedly saying "Deadmau5!" as they walked by. Of course, his ears and eyes were glowing green by then so it was a lot easier to see. It was really cool and Dex had such a great time. He's a ham and loves the attention.
One of the best things about this experience is that the artist, Deadmau5, tracked Mike down through our company website and called him personally. They talked for a bit about the costume, the other video stuff Mike has done and if he could send Dex some stuff to our work address. What a great guy for taking the time to do that. He didn't have to, but he did and was so cool about it. We haven't received anything yet for Dex, but it's only been a week. All the recognition is awesome enough for just doing what any dad would like to be able to for their kid. Mike is a rad dad.