She's a fantastic sleeper, for the most part. I've noticed if I have coffee after noon, then I'll pay for it by getting up a lot that night, but if I keep it to just the morning then she'll sleep a solid 6-8 hours. She rubs her eyes when she gets tired and all I have to do is lay her in her crib with her pacifier, play some white noise and she goes to sleep. I had to let her cry a couple nights, but she's been amazing ever since. I decided it made more sense to help her learn to go to sleep by herself before she could roll all over the crib. Once I finally had the nerve to do a little sleep training with Dexter, he could jump around his crib and scream. Not this time, Brixton learned early so she doesn't sound like a caged monkey having a tantrum.
She sleeps cute too because she puts her hands under her head with her elbows out. It looks like she's the posterchild for relaxation, but sometimes she can't get her hands out from under head and she gets upset. It's kinda funny that she get her hands caught under her own big noggin.
Brixton is so calm and laid back. She's active, but she doesn't get mad easily. She gets really happy to see me or Mike and hoots at us like a little owl. She has a big smile every time I pick her up from the crib. She still hasn't had any teeth come in, so the big toothless, baby grin melts my heart. If she ever does get mad, watch out because she has a very high pitched scream that makes your brain hurt. I try to avoid that as much as possible, but if she gets too tired or too hungry, that's what she does.
She has her father wrapped around her little finger. They have a very special relationship. He gives her lots of kisses and snuggles and all she just has to give him the cute hoot or two. He even called her princess. If you know Mike, that's just not something you'd ever think would come out of his mouth.
I, unfortunately, can't stop shopping for her. There is too much cute baby girl suff. It's actually kinda fun that she's outgrowing clothes so fast, because I don't have a closet big enough. She has a lot of pink stuff, but people don't know if she's a girl unless she's either in a dress, it has some sort of food (cupcake, fruit, etc), flowers or wearing pink or purple. One great thing is there's plenty of black for baby girls to wear. I always had trouble finding anything black for Dexter. Brixton has a wardrobe of black clothes. I've never been giddy about clothes, so this is all new to me. I did a good job with Dexter, but girls are harder because there's so much style to choose from. I can't wait for her hair to come in.
Her hair is finally growing. I sometimes think it grows overnight. When I go to pick her up, it's noticeably longer and thicker. It can't decide what color it will be either. It's blonde, reddish and brown all mixed together. It isn't nearly as dark as what she was born with, but I'm not sure it will be blonde yet. She's starting to look more and more like me.